
Group Mapping Brief

Group work where we had to create statistics and maps around given information.
We liked the project so much that we are currently creating this into a book which should be up later! :)


Our new brief was to design 4 Double Page Spreads based around the word "Infiltration".
I had alot of fun with with project!


Camera Filters

I started playing around with some camera filters over summer. The two I used for these photographs were a lens flare and sepia tint filter.


Last month I went on a trip to Amsterdam to visit the Dutch Museums and Exhibitions.
The Van Gogh Museum was a personal favorite.
On the ferry on the way back, the lights from the Dutch Docks looked great - here are some photographs.

Study Skills Workshops

This week we were given a selection of quotes and a selection of images which we had to pair together to create a selection of postcards.
We had 2.5 hours to complete this brief.
Above are my 2 postcard outcomes.

Study Skills Workshops

Once a week at Uni we have a Study Skills Workshop. This is where we get set a 2.5 hour brief which has to be completed within the time limit.
Last week we got given a page of copy and had to rearrange it into a type only flyer layout.
Above are two of my best InDesign conclusions.

Summer Project

The 2nd outcome for my summer project was based around the starting point: Mud.
I had a lot of fun with this project, creating giant mud letters in my back garden.
I also created a flip book displaying all the individual mud letters.

Project inspired by Stefan Sagmeister

Summer Project

Over the summer we were set a project where we had to describe our summer experiences through the use of the alphabet.
My first outcome was music. As music festivals where the highlight of my summer, i decided to give each letter of the alphabet a musical symbol.
I composed a piece of music which (after you worked out the code) spelt out: A Summer Of Music.

To move this project forward i also designed T-Shirts and transfered the coded sheet music onto them.

Back to Blogging

Now i've started my second year i've decided it is about time i started blogging regularly.
I plan to upload all my Uni projects as well as others work thats inspired me.
Here we go!